$12,900,000加币,10577 Highway 101, Powell River, BC, Canada
190.78 acres oceanfront development site, approximately 4000 feet of low bank waterfront plus 11 acre Water Lot. Comprehensive development opportunity fronting on one of the best sandy beaches on the Sunshine Coast.
Southern exposed, highway frontage and 15 km from city centre. Includes community water system supply agreement. Approximately 40 acres of land located between the ocean and the highway is designated Suburban Residential, Commercial, and Institutional within the Official Community Plan (OCP). This land is flat and prime for such a development.
The balance of the land (approximately 144 acres) on the up land side has a gentle Southern slope from the rear boundary towards the highway which should expose a lot of areas to ocean views. Excellent soil conditions look favorable for a cost effective development. This is truly a rare offering.
# 占地面积:190 Acer
# 叫价:1290万加币
# 更多详情请致电老白438-875-7528,或邮件xuesong.bai@remax.net
# 来源:https://remax-powellriver-bc.com/recip.html/listing.16404-10577-highway-101-powell-river-v8a0l2.96596543