$599,000加币,Lot 1 Nootka Street, Powell River, BC, Canada
Rare Find - Westview Acreage Located at the top of Westview ave waiting for you to develop this hidden gem into your dream property. This is located just out of the main city streets at the gateway of the rural area of Upper Nootka st that takes the best of both.
Close to all amenities but can be a beautiful country estate on the 4 acres. these properties don't come up very often. City water & sewer across the street on Manson ave. There is even a possible ocean view depending on your house design. Perfect for a combined family purchase or...
加拿大BC省阳光海岸Powell River, 鲍威尔河Westview区,Westview Ave 与 Nootka Street 交界,城乡结合部4英亩大地待售。交通便利,闹中取静,潜力巨大,机不可失!
# 占地面积:4.07 Acer
# 叫价:59.9万加币
# 更多详情请致电老白438-875-7528,或邮件xuesong.bai@remax.net
# 来源:https://remax-powellriver-bc.com/recip.html/listing.16209-lot-1-nootka-street-powell-river.96007927
# 占地面积:4.07 Acer
# 叫价:59.9万加币
# 更多详情请致电老白438-875-7528,或邮件xuesong.bai@remax.net
# 来源:https://remax-powellriver-bc.com/recip.html/listing.16209-lot-1-nootka-street-powell-river.96007927