$215,000加币,Lot 60 Lesley Cres, Powell River, BC, Canada
Central location, great neighborhood. You can't get any closer to everything you need … Major Grocery stores, Shopping Plazas, Hair Dresser's, Restaurant's, Dentist's, Doctor's, Library, the list is endless. Then there is the wants... Trails, Ocean, Beaches, Recreation facilities. and much more.
It's a great price for you to build what you want where you want on this serviced lot, water and sewer to the lot line.
Courtesy of: RE/MAX Powell River
加拿大BC省阳光海岸Powell River, 市中心高尚社区9583平尺海景地块最新上市。地理位置优越,交通便利,闹中取静,步行距离可达运动中心、医院、图书馆、Quality Food超市等各类服务设施,及Willingdon Beach Park等热门旅游景点。R2 Zoning可建两套Duplex,叫价仅$21.5万加币,性价比极高,打造理想家园或投资皆宜!
# 占地面积:9583 Sqft
# 叫价:$21.2万加币
# 更多详情请致电老白778-229-8528,或邮件xuesong.bai@remax.net
# 来源:https://remax-powellriver-bc.com/recip.html/listing
# 占地面积:9583 Sqft
# 叫价:$21.2万加币
# 更多详情请致电老白778-229-8528,或邮件xuesong.bai@remax.net
# 来源:https://remax-powellriver-bc.com/recip.html/listing