【温哥华老白】2024年6月,加拿大BC省阳光海岸鲍威尔河Powell River房产销售数据

# A Brief Summary


PRICES - PRSCREB month to month stats has average SFH home prices up +3.1% this month, while median price is steady at $680,000 - same as last June!



VOLUME - while healthy, June 2024 was a little slower with 26 residential sales (and 30 total, all categories) compared to June 2023 (31 residential, 35 total), and significantly slower than last month, May 2024 where we had 34 Residential sales and 39 total. Listings are on the rise with inventory starting to build up - we are up almost 25% in new listings from this time last year (with sales only up 12% for same period). 


YTD - Average sale price is down -4.77% and Median Sale price YTD only down -3.58%, so relatively modest decreases in price, will see where that ends up at the end of the year. Overall the picture is pretty good, we are up in sales, prices are pretty stable compared to last year, lots of listings so good selection for buyers.



本周,加拿大BC省阳光海岸鲍威尔河地产局(PRSCREB, Powell River Sunshine Coast Real Estate Board)发布了20246月份的最新房地产数据报告,下面由老白为大家做具体解读。


根据该报告显示,2024年6月鲍威尔河Powell River地区售出26套住宅物业,包括19套独立屋(Single House)、3套移动房(Mobile Home)和4套公寓(Condo/Apartment)。该数据相比上个月的34套及去年同期的31套销售量均有小幅降低。



6月Powell River的住宅地产销售总额为$1694.28万加元,比上个月的$1833.12万加元及去年同期的$1966.04万加元也都略有下降。不过从成交价格来看,6月的Powell River独立屋成交均价为$76.55万加元,与去年同期的均价$74.27万相比微升3.1%,比上月的$64.75万加币也上涨了18.22%。


另一方面,6月份Powell River的新上盘物业数量为115个,包括85个住宅物业,继续维持高位。目前,在盘物业总量达到了295个,包括214个住宅物业,再创近期新高,为买家提供了更多选择空间。



随着加拿大央行即将到来的进一步降息预期,以及Powell River旅游旺季的到来,老白仍然坚定的看好本地房产市场行情的继续反弹,低价投资房、房屋状况较好的中档价位家庭刚需自住房仍会是市场热点。


# 物业推荐:加拿大BC省阳光海岸鲍威尔河, Grief Point传统富人区海景Rancher独立屋全新上市,叫价$64.97万!地址:6963 Surrey St, Powell River, BC
















