【温哥华老白】BC省阳光海岸Powell River,2024年3月房地产市场最新数据

A brief summary

The real estate market in March 2024 saw a decrease in both the total value of properties sold and the number of units sold compared to 2023. Residential properties experienced a notable decline, with the average monthly selling price for single-family homes dropping by 4.1% and the median monthly selling price decreasing by 1.7%.



Additionally, the average days on the market increased from 68 days in 2023 to 83 days in 2024, suggesting a slower turnover rate. Non-residential properties, however, showed a slight increase in total value sold, albeit with minimal changes in the number of units sold. The increase in new listings for both residential and non-residential properties indicates potential opportunities for buyers!



本周,加拿大BC省阳光海岸鲍威尔河地产局(PRSCREB, Powell River Sunshine Coast Real Estate Board)发布了2024年3月份的最新房地产数据报告,下面由老白为大家做具体解读。



根据报告显示,2024年3月Powell River地区房地产成交量继续放大,共售出27套住宅物业,包括23套独立屋(Single House)、1套移动房(Mobile Home)及3套公寓(Condo/Apartment)。该数据再次延续了今年1月和2月的上升趋势,比上月的19套成交量大幅增加42.1%!



今年3月的Powell River独立屋成交均价为$63.6万加币,比上月的$64.57万加币微降1.5%,与去年同期的均价$66.34万加币相比则下降了4.1%,可见目前的成交物业仍以中低价及高性价比房屋为主。



不过需要注意的是,Powell River的3月新上盘住宅物业数量突然爆发,达到惊人的67个,这比上个月的30个翻了一倍还多,比去年同期的45个也大涨了近50%。目前,在盘物业总量重新超过了200大关,达到206个,市场热度进一步提升。






# 老白新上推荐:加拿大BC省阳光海岸Powell River,鲍威尔河市中心高性价比独立屋上市,投资回报可观。地址:4279 Joyce Ave, Powell River, BC, Canada



该独立屋位于Powell River市中心,位置优越,近各类生活服务设施













